Ana Aleksić

Ana Aleksić

Izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Aleksić (Zadar, 27. III. 1983. -), izvanredna profesorica

Ana Aleksić osnovnu i srednju školu, usmjerenje opća gimnazija, završila je u Zadru gdje je s izvrsnim uspjehom maturirala 2001. godine. Iste godine upisala je studij poslovne ekonomije na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Diplomirala je u studenom 2005. godine na smjeru Organizacija i management. Tijekom studija nagrađena je Rektorovom nagradom Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te je primala stipendiju Grada Zadra za nadarene studente.

Znanstveni poslijediplomski studij „Organizacija i management“ pri Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu upisala je 2006. godine, a završila 2008. godine obranom magistarskog rada pod nazivom „Upravljanje promjenama u izgradnji održive konkurentske sposobnosti poduzeća“ pod mentorstvom prof. dr. sc. Darka Tipurića. Iste godine upisala je EDAMBA poslijediplomski doktorski studij Poslovne ekonomije na Ekonomskom fakultetu Zagreb. Poslijediplomski doktorski studij završila je 2012. godine obranivši doktorsku disertaciju naziva „Uloga organizacijskog dizajna u razvoju organizacijskih sposobnosti poduzeća“ pod mentorstvom prof. dr. sc. Lovorke Galetić.

Od ožujka 2006. godine zaposlena je na Katedri za organizaciju i menadžment Ekonomskog fakulteta, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, gdje je 2016. godine izabrana na radno mjestu docentice. U registru znanstvenih istraživača Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta upisana je pod brojem 286476.

Od zaposlenja 2006. godine sudjeluje u izvođenju nastave u okviru preddiplomskog i diplomskog sveučilišnog i stručnog studija te sveučilišnog integriranog studija, izvodeći nastavu na kolegijima na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Na Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu nositelj je kolegija „Organizacijsko ponašanje“, izbornog predmeta na diplomskom sveučilišnom studiju i sveučilišnom integriranom studiju, „Organizational behaviour“, izbornog kolegija u sklopu diplomskog sveučilišnog studija na engleskom jeziku Master in Management te „Organizacijsko ponašanje u poduzetničkom okruženju“, izbornog kolegija u okviru specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija Ekonomika poduzetništva.

Kao dio svog znanstvenog usavršavanja u inozemstvu, provela je ljetni semestar 2014. godine (veljača - lipanj 2014) na Nova School of Economics and Business, Nova University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal te je održala nekoliko pozvanih predavanja na međunarodnim institucijama (School of Labor and Employment, College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylavnia State University, SAD, 2015.; Universidade da Coruna, A Coruña, Španjolska, 2015; Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy, University of Malta, Malta, 2016).

Doc. dr. sc. Ana Aleksić aktivna je u znanstveno istraživačkom radu. Do sada je, samostalno ili u koautorstvu, objavila 70 znanstvenih i stručnih radova iz područja organizacije, organizacijskog dizajna, strategije i organizacijskog ponašanja. Aktivno sudjeluje na međunarodnim znanstvenim konferencijama iz područja istraživačkog interesa te je obnašala i ulogu recenzenta znanstvenih radova za brojne časopise, međunarodne konferencije i zbornike radova. Ujedno je i član uređivačkih odbora nekoliko časopisa.

Obnašala je funkciju voditeljice i suradnice na više znanstveno istraživačkih projekata u Republici Hrvatskoj te je sudjelovala na nekoliko međunarodnih projekata financiranih od strane Europske Unije. Ujedno, sudjelovala je u izradi većeg broja stručnih studija.

U svom radu pristupnica je dva puta dobitnica nagrade „Mijo Mirković“ za znanstveni rad koji predstavlja izvoran doprinos znanosti, a koju dodjeljuje Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu (2008., 2017.). Također, za svoj nastavni rad nagrađena je priznanjem za izuzetne rezultate u izvođenju nastave na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (2015., 2016., 2018.).


Vokić, N. P., Aleksić, A. (2020.). Are active teaching methods suitable for all generation y students? – creativity as a needed ingredient and the role of learning style. Education Sciences, 10(4), str. 87.

Klopotan, I., Aleksić, A. i Vinković, N. (2020.). Do business ethics and ethical decision making still matter: Perspective of different generational cohorts. Business Systems Research, 11(1), str. 31-43.

Bach, M. P., Starešinić, B., Omazić, M. A., Aleksić, A. i Seljan, S. (2020.). m-banking quality and bank reputation. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 12(10), str. 4315.

Jerman, A., Pejić Bach, M. i Aleksić, A. (2020.). Transformation towards smart factory system: Examining new job profiles and competencies. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 37(2), str. 388-402.

Braje, I. N., Aleksić, A. i Jelavić, S. R. (2020.). Blame it on individual or organization environment: What predicts workplace deviance more? Social Sciences (Basel), 9(6), str. 99.

Ćuže, A., Aleksić, A. (2020.), Examining the relation between school climate and student well-being, u: Šimurina, J., Načinović Braje, I., Pavić, I. (ur.), Proceedings of FEB Zagreb 11th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business (str. 542-551.), Zagreb: Faculty of Economics & Business

Markota Vukić, N., Omazić, M. A., Pejic-Bach, M., Aleksić, A. i Zoroja, J. (2022.). Leadership for Sustainability: Connecting Corporate Responsibility Reporting and Strategy. u I. Management Association (Ed.), Research Anthology on Developing Socially Responsible Businesses (str. 1921-1943). IGI Global.

Barić, A., Omazić, M. A., Aleksić, A., Pejić-Bach, M. (2020.), Influence of CSR Activities on Stakeholders in Foreign Markets. U: Gurtu, A. (ur.) Recent Advancements in Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility, Hershey PA, USA: IGI Global, 2020. str. 16-36.

Marusic, Z., Aleksic, A., Pejic Bach, M., Omazic, M. A. i Zoroja, J. (2019). Determinants of innovation in hotel and travel agency service industry: Impact of information and communication technologies and enterprise readiness. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 17(1), str. 209-225.

Aleksic, A., Braje, I. N. i Jelavic, S. R. (2019). Creating sustainable work environments by developing cultures that diminish deviance. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 11(24), str. 1-13.

Ibrahimov, Muslim ; Aleksić, Ana ; Dukić, Darko (ur.). (2019.). Economic and Social Development , 37 th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – "Socio Economic Problems of Sustainable Development" : Book of Proceedings / Baku: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency ; Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)

Markota Vukic, N., Omazic, M. A. i Aleksic, A. (2019.). Corporate social responsibility strategy and reporting: Overview of practice in selected european countries. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 17(2), str. 355-367.

Načinović Braje, I., Aleksić, A., Babok, L. (2019.), Važnost intrinzičnih i ekstrinzičnih motivatora kod odabira prvog poslodavca. Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci / Journal of the Polytechnic of Rijeka, 7 (1), str. 95-108.

Barić, A., Omazić, M. A., Aleksić, A. (2019.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholders’ Management of Export Companies in Foreign Markets, u: Milković, M., Seljan, S., Pejić Bach, M., Peković, S., Perovic, Dj. (ur.), Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA -ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (str. 160-167). Zagreb: Udruga za promicanje inovacija i istraživanja u ekonomiji ''IRENET''

Belošević, Filip; Aleksić, A. (2019.), Attribution process, errors and conflict management styles, u: Šimurina, J., Načinović Braje, I., Pavić, I. (ur.), Proceedings of FEB Zagreb 10th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business (str. 560-569). Zagreb: University of Zagreb: Faculty of Economics & Business

Starešinić, B., Omazić, M. A., Aleksić, A. (2019.), Reputation as a Key Resource for Market Success in the Banking Sector, u: Milković, M., Seljan, S., Pejić Bach, M., Peković, S., Perovic, Dj. (ur.), Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA -ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference (str. 317-330). Zagreb: Udruga za promicanje inovacija i istraživanja u ekonomiji ''IRENET''

Prester, J., Hernaus, T., Aleksić, A., Trkman, P. (2019.), Performance Effects of Dynamic Capabilities: The Interaction Effect of Process Management Capabilities, u: Di Ciccio, C., Gabryelczyk, R., Garcia-Banuelos, L., Hernaus, T., Hull, R., Indihar Štemberger, M., Ko, A., Staples, M. (ur.), Business Process Management: Blockchain and Central and Eastern Europe Forum (str. 264-279), Cham: Springer

Aleksić, A., Vuković, M. (2018.), Connecting personality traits with deviant workplace behavior, Journal of Media Critiques (JMC), 4 (14), 119-129.

Markota Vukić, N., Omazić, M.A., Aleksić, A.(2018.), Exploring the link between corporate stakeholder orientation and quality of corporate social responsibility reporting, Interdisciplinary description of complex systems, 16 (2), 275-288.

Pološki Vokić, Nina; Aleksić, A. (2018.), Which are the most effective methods for teaching management at a graduate level? – FEB students’ perceptions of individual teaching methods and teaching method bundles effectiveness, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 16 (1), 59-76.

Pavić Kramarić, T., Aleksić, A., Pejić-Bach, M. (2018.), Measuring the impact of board characteristics on the performance of Croatian insurance companies, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 10 (1), 1-13.

Aleksić, A. (2018.), Evolving Organizational Capabilities through Organizational Design: Influence of Strategy, Structure and Organizational Processes, u: Mikuš, P., Cenek, M. (ur.), Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference of Business Economics, Management and Marketing (ISCOBEMM) (str. 1-8.), Brno: Masaryk University

Aleksić, A.,; Načinović Braje, I., Jureško Bukvić, P. (2018.), Measuring the impact of transformational leadership style on organizational commitment: a test among employees in the former socialist country, u: Majtan, Š. (ur.), Current Problems of the Corporate Sector 2018 Proceedings of scientific papers (str. 27-37), Bratislava: University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Management, Department of Business Administration

Aleksić, A., Načinović Braje, I., Rašić Jelavić, S., Galetić, L. (2018.), Can organizational culture predict deviance at work: Exploring the cause effect relation, u: Veselica, R., Dukic, G., Hammes, K. (ur.), 36th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – "Building Resilient Society" Book of Proceedings (str. 686-693), Zagreb: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency

Pejić-Bach, M., Omazić, M. A., Aleksić, A., Zoroja, J. (2018.), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as an Education Tool for Corporate Social Responsibility. u: Stachowicz-Stanusch, A., Amann, W. (ur.), Management Education for Corporate Social Performance (str. 157-179), Charlotte: Information Age Publishing

Pejić-Bach, M., Omazić, M. A., Aleksić, A., Zoroja, J. (2018.), Knowledge-Based Decision Making: A Multi-Case Analysis, u: Leon, R-D., (ur.), Managerial Strategies for Business Sustainability During Turbulent Times (str. 160-184), Hershey PA, USA: IGI Global

Barišić, R., Aleksić, A., Marković, S. (2018.), Developing strategic planning system at the national level - opportunities and obstacles in the context of Croatia, u: Tipurić, D., Labaš, D. (ur.), Proceedings of the 6th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship (str. 238-248), Zagreb, Governance Research and Development Centre (CIRU)

Hernaus, T., Tadić Vujčić, M., Aleksić, A. (2017.), Changing work engagement : The longitudinal effect of a job redesign intervention among public sector employees, Strategic management. International Journal of Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management, 22 (2), str. 3-8.

Aleksić, A., Rašić Jelavić, S. (2017.), Testing for strategy-structure fit and its importance for performance, Management: Journal of contemporary management issues. 22 (1), str. 85-102.

Šimićević, V., Pejić Bach, M., Aleksić, A. (2017.), Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Behavior: Study of Slovenian and Croatian Economics and Business Students, u: Zadnik Stirn, L. et al. (ur.), Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia (SOR'17)(str. 59-64), Ljubljana: Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research

Brkić, H., Aleksić, A. (2016.), Interpersonal deviant work behaviour – exploratory study among employees in Croatia, u: Galetić, L., Načinović Braje, I., Jaković, B. (ur.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference An Enterprise Odyssey: Saving the Sinking Ship Through Human Capital (str. 32-39.), Zagreb: Faculty of Economics & Business

Hernaus, T., Miočić, M., Aleksić, A. (2016.), Phase-specific antecedents of innovative work behavior: the role of knowledge job characteristics and organizational climate, u: Vrontis, D., Weber, Y., Tsoukatos, E. (ur.), Proceedings of the 9th EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (str. 965-978), EuroMed Press

Aleksić, A. (2016.), Sukobi u organizaciji, u: Galetić, L. (ur.), Organizacija (str. 437-458). Zagreb: Sinergija

Hernaus, T., Aleksić, A. (2016.), Unutarnji čimbenici organizacije, u: Galetić, L. (ur.), Organizacija (str. 121-152). Zagreb: Sinergija

Galetić, L., Filipović, D., Načinović Braje, I., Klindžić, M., Aleksić, A. (2016.), Organizacija poslovnih funkcija, u: Galetić, L. (ur.), Organizacija (str. 309-367). Zagreb: Sinergija

Lojpur, A., Aleksić, A., Vlahović, S., Pejić Bach, M., Peković, S. (2015.), Examining determinants of leadership style among Montenegrin managers, Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 61(1), str. 13-24.

Aleksić, A., Barišić, R. (2015.), Building organizational identity through development of organizational capabilities, u: Tipurić, D., Daraboš, M. (ur.), Proceedings of the 3rd International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship (str. 138-148), Zagreb: CIRU – Centar za istraživanje i razvoj upravljanja

Marić, I., Aleksić, A. (2015.), Social entrepreneurship: Creating organizational identity through economy of communion and culture of giving, u: Tipurić, D., Daraboš, M. (ur.), Proceedings of the 3rd International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship (str. 1028-1037), Zagreb: CIRU – Centar za istraživanje i razvoj upravljanja

Aleksić, A., Razumović, H., Marić, I. (2015.), Comparative analysis of workplace design in public institutes in Croatia, u: Merkač Skok, M., Cingula, M. (ur.), Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference Knowledge and Challenges of Globalisation (str. 20-29), Celje: Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede

Aleksić, A. (2014.), Upravljanje organizacijskim promjenama: teorijski okvir s posebnim osvrtom na Burke-Litwin model organizacijskih promjena, Oeconomica Jadertina, 4 (1), str. 16-26.

Aleksić, A. (2014.), Contribution and role of organizational capabilities in growth and performance of Croatian companies, u: Galetić, L., Spremić M., Šimurina, J. (ur.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference An Enterprise Odyssey: Leadership, Innovation and Development for Responsible Economy (str. 825-841), Zagreb : Faculty of Economics & Business

Barišić, R., Aleksić, A. (2013.), Positioning corporate governance in the context of competitive dynamics, u: Tipurić, D., Podrug, N. (ur.), Proceedings of the 1st International OFEL conference on Corporate (str. 688-696), Zagreb : CIRU - Centar za istraživanje i razvoj upravljanja

Galetić, L., Prester, J., Aleksić, A. (2013.), Advanced manufacturing technology and performance: Empirical evidence from Croatia. u: Zawislak, P. A. (ur.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Management of Technology - IAMOT 2013 (str. 1-19), Porto Alegre: The International Association for Management of Technology – IAMOT.

Hernaus, T., Aleksić, A. (2013.), A relational view of strategy, knowledge and teamwork: Implications for organizational success. u: Schiuma, G., Spender, J. C., Pulic, A. (ur.), Proceedings of IFKAD 2013 - 8th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (str. 177-192), Zagreb.

Aleksić, A., Galetić, L. (2013.), How dynamic capabilities contribute to organizational success, Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Discipline, 10(3), 475-484.

Lojpur, A., Aleksić, A., Vlahović, S., Peković, S. (2013.), The effects of demographic characteristics on democratic leadership style. u: Merkač Skok, M., Cingula, M. (ur.) Conference Proceedings of the 5th International conference Knowledge and business challenge of globalisation in 2013 (str. 83-90), Celje.

Hernaus, T., Aleksić, A., Klindžić, M. (2013.), Organizing for competitiveness - Structural and process characteristics of organizational design, Contemporary Economics, 7 (4), 25-40.

Aleksić, A. (2013.), How organizations achieve longevity: the role of change management in building their sustainability, International Journal of the Academy of Organizational Behavior Management (IJAOBM), 4(4), 65-78.

Hernaus, T., Aleksić, A., Marić, I. (2012.), Work design practices: Do trade unions make a difference?, u: Proceedings of 1st International Conference "Innovation for Sustainability - Is Your Responsibility“ (str. 1-11), Porto.

Galetić, L., Marić, I., Aleksić, A. (2012.), How contingency factors determine organization: Re-examinig their influence in building organizational structure u: Galetić, L.; Šimurina, J. (ur.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference An Enterprise Odyssey: Corporate governance and public policy — path to sustainable future (str. 939-949), Zagreb: Faculty of Economics & Business.

Aleksić, A. (2012.), Osobnost sindikata: Kakva bi trebala biti organizacijska kultura sindikata?, u: Pološki Vokić, N., Obadić, A. (ur.) Evolucija sindikata: uloga sindikata u suvremenome društvu (str. 265-275), Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb.

Aleksić, A. (2011.), Organizacijski sukobi, u: Galetić, L. (ur.), Organizacija velikih poduzeća (str. 435-453), Zagreb: Sinergija.

Hernaus, T., Aleksić, A., Marić, I. (2011.), Unutarnji čimbenici organizacije, u: Galetić, L. (ur.), Organizacija velikih poduzeća (str. 64-124), Zagreb: Sinergija.

Galetić, L., Načinović, I., Aleksić. A. (2011.), Organizational characteristics of small and medium croatian enterprises: An empirical study. u: Potočan, V., Dabić, M. (ur.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Education, Innovations, ENEDIN 2011 (str. 305-323), Maribor.

Galetić, L., Aleksić, A., Klindžić, M. (2011.), The perspectives of applying modern aspects of organizational design in Croatian companies, u: Dhankar, R. S., Agarwala, T. (ur.), Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behaviour (str. 79-83), Singapur.

Aleksić. A., Rudman, M. (2011.), Organizational socialization: Examining socialization tactics applied in Croatian companies, u: Mihaly, D. (ur.), Proceedings of the XXV. microCAD International Scientific Conference, Section Q (str. 7-12).

Galetić, L., Aleksić. A., Klindžić, M. (2011.), Outsourcing and downsizing as modern organizational trends in Croatian comapanies, The Business Review Cambridge, (17)1, 220-227.

Aleksić, A., Klindžić, M., Galetić, F. (2010.), The role of women in Croatian labour market: state and perspectives, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business, 4(1), 27-39.

Aleksić, A., Rudman, M., Palić, M. (2010.), Motivating by work design – understanding basic framework and reviewing possibilities for further development, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business, 4(1), 40-51.

Aleksić, A., Rudman, M. (2010.), Organizacijska socijalizacija - ključne perspektive i pristupi, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 8(1), 241-251.

Aleksić, A. (2009.), Uloga upravljanja organizacijskim promjenama u izgradnji održive konkurentske sposobnosti poduzeća, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 7(2), 37-49.

Aleksić, A. (2009.), Challenges of longevity and sustainable competitive advantage with empirical evidence form long living Croatian companies, u: Proceedings of the 1st International conference on Finance, Business and Accounting (str. 1-8), Kuala Lumpur:University Tun Abdul Razak, Faculty of Business Administration.

Aleksić, A., Galetić, F., Načinović, I. (2009.), Analysis of human capital and industrial efficiency: regional differences in Croatia, u: Radovic Marković, M., (ur.), THE NEW ECONOMY: Challenges, Opportunities and Choices (str. 298-311), Delhi: I A Books.

Tipurić, D., Aleksić, A., Podrug, N. (2008.), Strategic partnership - case of INA and MOL, International Journal of Management Cases, 12(2), 33-37.

Aleksić, A., Galetić, F., Načinović, I. (2008.), Regional differences in human capital: Case of Croatia, u: Guichard, J-P. et al. (ur.), Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the IES „Challenges of Economic Sciences in the 21st Century“ (str. 351-359), Beograd.

Tipurić, D., Cingula, M., Klačmer Čalopa, M., Aleksić, A. (2008.), Regulacija tržišta kapitala i korporativno upravljanje u Hrvatskoj, u: Tipurić D. (ur.), Korporativno upravljanje (str. 255-299), Zagreb: Sinergija.

Aleksić, A. (2007.), Poslovna etika - element uspješnog poslovanja, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 5(1), 419-431.

Aleksić, A., Galetić, F. (2007.), Restructuring towards the post transition economy, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business, 1, 14-23.

Tipurić, D., Hruška, D., Aleksić, A. (2007.), Corporate governance and ownership concentration in Croatia, The Business Review Cambridge, 7(1), 207-212.

Tipurić, D., Hruška, D., Aleksić, A. (2006.), Information as a tool for management decision making – empirical evidence from Croatia, Global Business & Economics Anthology, 2, 38-47.


IRB (2020.), Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija, Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, preuzeto 2. rujna 2020. s

Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb (2020.), Ekonomski fakultet: Ana Aleksić, preuzeto 2. rujna 2020. s


Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb (2020.), Leksikon Ekonomskog fakulteta – Zagreb: Ana Aleksić, preuzeto [upisati datum preuzimanja] s